
Tracking conversions with News Break is relatively simple, but does require some setup.

First, create a traffic source and select our News Break template.

In the News Break ads manager in another tab, go to the Event Management section > create new:

You should select postback, others as the service, and choose your conversion event. It seems each postback is per event, which is a little odd/labourious, so you may need to create separate postbacks for different events and go through this testing flow for each (for custom events, you'd need to trigger them by postback manually). Anyway, you will see more below.

Now scroll down and you will see this part:

According to their UI:

Only URLs that have passed this test can be used in ads whose optimization goal is conversion.

So, it seems we will need to create a test funnel and tracking link, then convert a hit, in order for this to complete.

Head back to FunnelFlux to the News Break source you are creating > conversion tracking tab. Here you will just need to change the event type code to the one you picked:

These codes are quite straightforward. You can see it if you scroll up a little bit in the News Break content:

Once you have changed this, save the traffic source.

Now, create a test funnel and add a lander/offer to it. It could be anything. Save the funnel, and get the link for the traffic node while picking the News Break traffic source:

Bring this link back to News Break and use it in the test box:

Whatever it loads in a new tab, you can just close it for now. We're going to look up the hit directly and manually convert it.

Come back to FunnelFlux and go to the Reporting > Raw Events section. Load a report for today, and filter it to the News Break traffic source, like so:

Once you apply the filter, click load data to reload the raw events report. 

You're now looking for the hit ID of the page. If you can't see the column "Hit ID", click the columns button in the footer of the table and enable it.

Here's what I see:

I want the Hit ID of the lander group, not the rotator. Right click the Hit ID value > copy.

Now, head to Data Updates > Update conversions. Here you can paste the hit ID, set an override payout of 0, and submit, like so:

Once you click the update conversions button, swap back to the News Break tab, where you should see it update. Note it might take up to 60 seconds:

And that's it! Click save and your postback should be finalised.